Friday, February 25, 2011

8 Month MIle Marker

Today I am officially 8 months.  This date seemed so far away and now it's here.  Update:  Pregnancy is going well.  Tested negative for gestational diabetes and had a ultrasound on Monday.  Baby Luciano is about 4 lbs now!  He will probably double in weight in the next 8 weeks.  Great for him, not for my back or hips : )  Watching him on the screen has got to be the best feeling ever.  He was so cute!  We saw him yawning and sucking his thumb.  He loves to move and jab at my ribs especially at night.  I am so excited to meet him and hold him in my arms. 

We have two more weeks left of school for this term and have several papers due plus some projects.  So, we are going to be super busy.  After this term, we will have a week long break which will be great timing to get things ready for the baby. 

Also, I had a great surprise at our Communidad potluck on Wednesday.  They have a surprise baby shower for Luciano.  We celebrated this little one that sleeps in my womb with cake and gifts.  He now has a fancy new swing, some cute clothes, and some much needed items from his registry.  We are so thankful as a family to be surrounded with such amazing people who care and who also wait anxiously to meet him.  Communidad has been a place of amazing people who continually love and challenge me.  I am so glad we found them...

Jason and I celebrated 3 years of marriage on Feb. 24th.  We went to dinner at a nice french restaurant where our server bought me a desert because he thinks that pregnancy is amazing.  Nice little perk.  Jason gave me a two different handmade (not by him) necklaces that represent our family.  One has a little tree with our birthstone beads and the other is peas in a pod where each colored bead represents each one of us.  I hope Luciano stays put until April. We also have fond memories of Malta and find it interesting that Malta is in the news lately. 

Well, more to come when I can squeeze in a break again...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Immigrant Rights in Colorado - A family Affair

Before I forget, I promised to write a little about our project and how we have chosen to be involved as a family.

Angelo, Jason, and I joined like-minded friends to create valentine's day cards for detainees. We also attended the vigil held on Feb. 7th. (I will post pictures when I have a chance). It was a very cold night but so worth having nippy toes.  (Luciano's first protest...I think I could feel his balled up fist pumping in the air)
Angleo has been involved with us and has done an excellent job speaking Spanish with a new friend from Guatemala. 

You can read all about the event project here: Coloradans For Immigrant Rights: ICE Cold Hearts...Melted!

In addition, Jason & I have been following the Arizona copycat bills that have been proposed here in Colorado.  We attended the committee hearing at the state capital on Wednesday and saw first hand how the voice of the community was heard.  BOTH Arizona CopyCat (HB 1107 & SB 54) bills were defeated in committee and there was good news that ASSET Passed out of the Senate Education Committee on a 5-2 vote. The in-state tuition bill now goes to the Senate Finance Committee. 
For more info on what is going on in Colorado:  www.coloradoimmigrant.orgThere is a link on my facebook page that gives a summary of what is going on and some other news coverage that is interesting. 

sooo tired.

Someone asked why i haven't updated the blog.  Well, the truth is that i am so tired and physically drained.  we are at the end of the winter quarter and I'm starting to really feel the effects of pregnancy.  I have lots of work to finish up with Jefferson County which is just tedious and time consuming.  I also have several papers, projects and presentations to do in the next three weeks for school.  Oh, and I can't forget internship...organizing kids from several different states to go to camp in the summer is not an easy task.  Lots going on.  So, bottom line...I'm exhausted.  And I think it's time for me to admit it :)

On a positive note: we got the baby's room painted thanks to Angelo and our new friend Mario.  I don't know when I'll have time to work on decorating it.  I still haven't even put up any art or photos in our house since we moved, don't know if the baby's room will be done in time.  oh well :)  He will still be welcomed in this home with loving arms and I'm sure that he won't care that there is no art on the walls yet. 
I'm also thankful for a professor and a co-worker who gave me some hand-me-downs...some really great stuff :)

I love going into the baby's room and looking at all the cute and tiny things that we've collected for him.  I can't wait to walk into that room and actually see him there in person.  Each day as my belly grows, so does this intense love.  I never imagined pregnancy to be so overwhelmingly amazing!  His daddy says sweet things to him often and I know his big brother is getting excited too. 

We can't wait to meet little Luciano.  His daily dance in my belly reminds me of how grateful I am to God for this gift. 

Now off to sleep....

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Family & Maternity Pictures

We did some family pictures today.  It was an early morning for us in Washington Park in Denver.  Jason & I were up late due to baby pains and I had woke to puffy eyes and a face full of hives.  Oh well, we still had fun.  I love The Kid's skate pictures!  the only one missing from the family pics is Mega. 

Today we also bought the baby's crib but it didn't fit in my back to the store tomorrow for Jason : )
Third Trimester is here and is here with a vengeance.  I can't seem to get enough sleep and my back is starting to hurt pretty bad.  All temporary and well worth it.

Tomorrow we will be joining some friends in an art project making valentine's day cards for those who are detained and the immigration detention center.  I think I will pull out my Pablo Neruda books for inspiration. 

Click on the link below to see a preview of some our family pictures.

Our Family...Growing

Monday, January 24, 2011

Baby Daze

I feel like I've been on auto pilot for a few days with spurts of energy here and there.  My doctor says it's normal and as I move further into the 3rd Trimester, fatigue will start to set in.  I have decided to stop my overnight shifts of being on-call for child protection as of the end of this month.  It's funny how I used to have no problem staying up all night but now, it's literally torture. 
We had a few highlights recently such as receiving a baby heartbeat monitor from Jennifer & Dave.  It was fun trying to listen to the baby but honestly, we couldn't make it out too well and when we put the monitor on Jason's stomach, it sounded pretty much the same :) 
Angleo has a new room downstairs but there are a few things we want to do to make it his own space.  As for baby's room, well, we need to clean out the closet, paint, and organize.  Lots to do.
School is going well and I'm still able to walk the six blocks there and back.  It's good exercise but I'm constantly scared I'm going to slip and fall on the ice. 
Baby is moving lots especially when I need to sleep.  I never thought pregnancy could be so fascinating.  I'm still in awe that there is a little growing human inside of me.  I feel so much love it's crazy. 
So...meanwhile, trying to get rid of this cough and stuffy nose, tyring to get some much needed rest, and trying to stay positive at all times.  I'm taking Dr. Ortega's advice and scheduling in some "REST" time to my schedule. 

oh, side note:  I'm excited about our community class and policy project.  I love doing work for something I'm passionate about.  We will be focusing on a Latino community here in Denver.  I will be posting some points of our projects as we go along.  This is important to our family blog because we, as a family, have made a commitment to social justice and not just sitting back anymore.  It's been a process that we are going through with others from our communities and we can no longer ignore the injustice and inhumane treatment of others around us.  P.S.  Thanks dad for that great talk we had over breakfast tacos, your encouragement, and understanding where I'm coming from.  Looks like another "journey" for us as a family...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Texas Family & Friends

We had our first baby shower today and it was amazing.  Thanks so much to my mom, sister-in-law Trini, my three nieces Brenda, Stacie, and Robyn, my cousin Vi and so many others who helped.  We has a wonderful party and it was so great to see family and friends (old and new).  Jason and I are so thankful for the prayers and love that we can count on from everyone even if they are far away.  I will post pictures from the party on shutterfly with a link as soon as I can.  To everyone who came, Thank You so much.
Also, it was wonderful to see old friends and to get baby advice.  I'm looking forward to seeing a few more friends before I leave and hopefully Jolynn and Lori's new babies too :)   This trip has been a wonderful reminder and celebration of life. 

Words from Dad

I work at an agency called Fatherhood Support Services. Our mission is to empower men to become better fathers and more fully involved in the lives of their children. I have often been commended by many for raising Angelo on my own for several years, and for being a “good dad” in general. Truth is, being a young father was a role that I took for granted at times. At my agency I have met men who want nothing more than to have even a portion of what I was given. Their greatest desire is to be granted the mere chance to be an involved father, a responsibility I have come to believe is as important as any in life.  
I am fortunate enough to be given yet another opportunity that many men are not given once. And this time I will not be on my own. I get to raise a child with the most beautiful and amazing woman I know. Furthermore, Luciano will have the coolest big brother imaginable. There were times when I have admittedly considered not bringing another child into a world filled with sadness, injustice, cruelty, uncertainty and so many other problems. But assuredly, the world needs more problem solvers. I look forward to doing my part to see that Luciano becomes one himself. I am confident that his mother, brother and extended family will do the same.

Words from Big Brother

 When I first found out I was having a sibling I didn’t know what to think, but I did have some worries.  Having another child in the house is going to be a big dramatic change with aspects that I really am not looking forward to. I will probably often wake up at night hearing the baby cry.  I’m a 13 year old boy on a schedule, I need my sleep.    Most of the attention might have to go to the baby, but I know I have parents that will do their very best to include me at all times.  Spending most of my life as an only child has been pretty good so far, not having to share what you like, but now it’s all going to change. 
I’m feeling pretty neutral at the moment about the big change, but I believe that it will turn out to be a good thing in the end.  I think teaching my little baby brother how to skate, play guitar, and even show him different kinds of music will help build my character, and I have a feeling he’d have plenty of fun too. 
      So in conclusion, Luciano will be a great little brother, but there will be troubles along the way.  He’s going to have good parents, and a great big brother who will teach him the many wonders of life.  I’m kind of looking forward to this change, but it will be a pretty big impact.   

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Holidays & Baby Shower Planning

We had a full house of family and fun.  My parents, brother, cousin, and three nieces came for a visit.  We had fun but time with them was so short.  On Christmas day, we were also joined by Jason's mom, his sister, her husband, and their 2 year old son.  Angelo spent his vacation in Georgia visiting his biological mom.  He had a great time.  He was able to see a few friends from Augusta which really meant a lot to him.  He spent Christmas in Louisiana and was able to see the devastation that still surrounds New Orleans.  He was missed here in Denver but we had a nice family Christmas when he returned yesterday. 
Luciano is growing and moving lots.   It is exciting watching him (and my belly) grow.  He has not settled into any wake/sleep patterns yet.  We are slowly trying to figure out our lives for the next few months because they are going to be intense I'm sure.  Jason and I start school on Thursday.  I feel that I really did not get a break at all but I'm ready. 
Baby Showers are in the planning stages:  One in Texas in a few weeks (the last few weeks that I can travel) and one in Denver for school friends in March so far.  We are working on the registry but I feel kinda lost.  I don't really know what I am going to need.  Never done this before so I feel totally clueless.  Rebecca and Melissa will be helping me with this part.  Thank God for Girlfriends! 
On a personal note:  My parents had to leave early back to Texas due to illness and then a death in the family.  Sweet Tio Chilo will be missed greatly.  Also, I am reminded of the death of my grandfather that was this time last year.  I hope and pray that my little Luciano will follow in the footsteps of these great men who impacted so many.