Thursday, December 9, 2010

It's a boy!

It's a Boy!

Baby Luciano is doing well!  We had a slight scare and ended up in the hospital last night/today but everything is fine.  Plus, we were able to find out a few days ahead of schedule what the sex is.  We are super excited (Jason especially) that we are having a boy. 
Yesterday after a long day of internship and work, I came home and noticed some bleeding and some cramping.  We called the doc and were advised to head to the ER.  It was a pretty scary feeling.  Last night, the doctor thought that maybe it was placenta previa, a complication in which the placenta grows in the lowest part of the uterus and covers all or part of the opening to the cervix.  We needed to see the high risk doctor who would make the final diagnostic determination. 
The night was long but uneventful.  This morning we saw the doctor who took all measurements of the baby.  He is perfect!  He is a little wiggle worm and is very active.  They ruled out placenta pervia and with close monitoring everything should be fine in the future. 
I was told to keep my stress levels down and to rest for a few days.  I was just glad that it was not mandatory bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy because I think I would go crazy.  Jason was super amazing as always, asking lots of questions to the doctors at a time when I was a bit overwhelmed.  I am so grateful for such a wonderful husband.  Now, we are taking Angleo out to dinner to tell him the news of his new baby brother : )  I want tonight to be special for him.  I had planned to have him along for the 20 week ultrasound but things didn't go as planned.  

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Half Way There!

We are about half way through the pregnancy!  Things are going well.  Only thing that remains is the nausea and the lack of sleep.  I try to take naps when I can but I've been so busy, it's pretty hard to do.  We can't wait until the next appointment when we find out the sex of the baby.  I love the app for the phone that keeps you up-to-date on the growth progress of the baby and it's full of helpful advice on things to do or to avoid.  I really love the slight flutter of the baby's movements.  It is a constant reminder of the amazing creation that I have growing inside of me.  Jason and Angelo are still super amazing.  Angelo and I were at an art gallery and saw this really cool mobile, so that is going to be our next art project for the baby. 
School update:  Jason and I made A's in all our first qtr. graduate school classes.  We are pretty proud.  I was pretty overwhelmed at times but we made it through. 
Angelo's update:  Angelo is part of a math competition team and they won first place recently.  He said to me today that this has been the best school year of his life.  This made me really happy and affirmed that we are all on the right path. 
Family update:  We hosted our first party for a multicultural organization we belong to at DU.  It was really nice to have room to have guests.  We also had several friends over for Thanksgiving dinner who didn't have family here locally.  We owe so much gratitude to friends who made us feel like family in Georgia that we thought we'd do the same here.  We also enjoyed Thanksgiving lunch with Uncle Juan & Aunt Cindy and the family.  It was a very nice holiday for the Vitellos and we reflected on what we are thankful for.
20 weeks and counting...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Facebook Offical

So, now that we are FB Official (or have finally gone public with the news), I think I’m in the safe zone to share an abbreviated version of our story. 
In 2005 I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.  At such a young age, it was not easy to deal with.  From that time until my last treatment in 2008 – 2009, my only goal was to do what I needed to do so that I could be there for my family.  The cancer journey took us down the road of radiation, surgery, and trying a drug that is still in the research stage.  Along that path came the reality that I most likely would not be able to have children. 
When I was in 8th grade, I remember having a conversation with a dear friend, and we decided that we would grow up and open an orphanage and adopt lots of kids.  It may have been just childish talk but at that point I knew that I was capable of loving a child that was not biologically my own. 
Along with the privilege of having Jason as my husband came “the kid”.  Being a parent to Angelo has been so amazing.  I love him with every once of my being just as if I would have given birth to him.  So, when the docs said that pregnancy was not an option, I was totally at peace with it.  Jason and I talked about adopting someday and had a goal to do so sometime after grad school. 
After my last treatment, I am cancer free.  One out of many doctors said to me that a pregnancy may once again be a foreseeable option.  Jason and I talked about it and decided not to go forward with any fertility drugs or take the option of cryopreservation.  If it was ever meant to be, then it would be.  We left that discussion and moved on with a focus of getting healthy and conquering our next goal which would be moving to Denver for graduate school. 
This summer was our family’s transition to city life.  In August, I experienced painful event that resulted in a doctor’s visit.  The doctor stated that they detected the pregnancy hormone and that I must have had a miscarriage.  I was shocked but worked through it.  I continued to feel sick for about a week after.  I decided to go to another doctor to get another opinion.  That is where the most amazing thing that could have ever happened to us was revealed to me by the nurse:  “Congratulations, you’re pregnant!” 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sharing the News

We are slowly getting the word out.  Our lives have been so crazy busy that our idea of setting up a website has not really happened.  Maybe someday when we get a break.  Courtney Cooper has decided to be the captain of Team Baby Girl.  I will post a pic as soon as i figure out how to get it off my phone.

We have had some interesting name suggestions such as Gurnsey (named after one of our male professors), Xochiquetzal (which is the Aztec or Nahuatl name meaning the goddess of love, beauty, flowers, pleasure, craft, weaving, and young mothers - Suggested by Dr. Ortega who teaches our multicultural class and is a proud member of La Raza), and Batgirl.  I somehow don't think they match our last name...but I'm open to more suggestions.

1 Down...2 More to Go

We are at week 12 and the end of the oh, so, scary trimester one.  We are moving towards public knowledge finally!   Today we had our 12 week doctor's visit and Jason was hoping to find out the sex.  They could not get a good view and it still might be too early to tell.  Jason says he saw something and is convinced it's a boy.  Our next ultrasound is at our 20 week until then, we wait.  We saw the baby swim around in the amniotic fluid and open and close his mouth.  It was super cute!  Everything is right on track and baby & mom are healthy. 

The women at my internship have been great.  Another girl in my office is pregnant and due in January so she has given me lots of great tips.  She gave me a book called, The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy.  Pretty funny/scary stuff. 

I also found out there are a few girls at work who are also pregnant.  It's nice to know that I'm not alone. 

My friends Rebecca Meyers and Melissa Gonzalez could not resist the cuteness of baby stuff.  So the baby has officially received his/her first gifts of a cute duck sleeper, some wipes, first organic baby food and the softest blanket ever (i want it for myself!).  So it begins...

Overall, things have been going well.  My biggest problem has been vomiting and nausea.  Nothing too bad.  Please keep praying for a healthy pregnancy, a healthy baby, and for an easy, natural transition for Angelo. 

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Almost done with Trimester one!

Just a general update: Pregnancy is going well but still experiencing morning (noon & night) sickness.  I have notified the school because of concerns about coverage and that I am due to give birth so close to the final few classes of the year.  My professors who know have been super supportive.  For now, I am working part time, attending my internship for 16 hours a week, and taking 5 graduate classes.  I feel very busy but try to squeeze in a nap here and there.  I am getting ready to spill the beans though I have an idea that more people know that I think...wonder who snitched?  The reason for my secrecy is just because Jason & I wanted to get through the first trimester before making our announcement.  It is said that most miscarriages happen within that time just wanted to feel that we were in the safe zone.  Almost there.  Once we make the official announcement, then we will start to think about buying baby items. 
On another note:  Auntie Jennifer (Jason's sister) will be coming to Denver for work and will be bringing our nephew Tristan for a visit.  Jason's parents will also be visiting for awhile so the help with housework and cooking will be a welcomed treat! 
One more thing:  We have been getting high school recruitment letters in the mail for Angelo.  This is a weird and new thing for us.  Denver Public Schools have a choice program so we need to start looking into high schools for him.  This is a cool idea for competition between schools but definitely a chore for us to do the research.  Wish us luck in the search.

Sea Camp

Angleo just got back from camp in San Diego, California. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010


8 Week doctor visit!  All the tests came back great so far.  Baby is developing normally and on target.  You can see the little leg and arm buds now.  Jason was by my side and we were able to see him move (or wiggle).  We also listened to his heart beat.  It was amazing!  I am so tired  but unbelievably happy right now.  The doctor said this is the "gummy bear" stage because that is what they look like...I thought it was cute.  Due date is April 22.  I think I'm going to get a musical playlist ready.  

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Jason & I had our orientation for graduate school this morning. It was pretty exciting and all I could think about is how fun it is going to be to raise Angelo near such a great campus while exposing him to responsible college life atmosphere. He loves skating on the beautiful campus and he will be a part of our student activities for sure. The baby will be 1 when we graduate!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Big Brother

Angelo has been an only child in our home for some time.  Getting used to the idea that another kid will be joining in his space may be gradual.  Angelo's transition to Colorado has been super smooth.  He worked so hard this summer helping to move in to our new home.  He has loved the fact that we live a few blocks down from a cool skate shop and has enjoyed the many skate parks that Denver has to offer.  In the summer, Angelo went to The Edge summer camp in Tennessee with our church from Georgia.  He also went to a skateboard camp here in Denver.  He enjoyed getting to know his cousins in Denver, camping out in the tree house in Pueblo, and spending time with Grandpa & Grandma Montoya while they were here.  His favorite restaurant is Waffle Brothers and he has joined a new youth group.  He also has been pretty busy since school started.  We found a great school that has the small feel of a private school but thankfully, it's a public school.  As an 8th grader, he was the only new kid to join the group.  The school has aprox. 50 8th graders divided into two classes.  The school has high parent involvement so Jason & I will be busy with him too this year.  He made the Slavens Soccer Team and has played in two games so far.  The thing that he is most looking forward to this year is Sea Camp.  The 8th graders will be going on a field trip to San Diego for one week to study Marine Biology.  They will be dissecting squids and snorkeling in the ocean. 
So, there are lots of new things going on the the Vitello household.  Angelo has been such a great help to us and we know that he will do the same once the baby arrives.  Angelo said that he wants to be the one to teach the baby music.  Angelo is going to be a great big brother.  We have much to look forward to.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Expecting Father

Jason has been super amazing. Every time I turn around, he is there with a glass of water. I bought him a book called, The Expecting Father - What to Expect and he has been reading it while giving me tips.  I was alone at the doctor's office when I first found out and I had no idea how to tell him.  I wanted to do something cute and special but my head was going crazy.  He called to check up on me and I had to pretend like things were cool.  When I left the hospital, I thought that I would drive to campus and buy a DU onesie and have him open it up.  The only problem was that I had no idea where the bookstore was.  So I drove to Barnes & Noble, picked up a blank card with cute birds in a tree and wrote:  "Our Family Tree is Now Plus One.  What a happy day!  After such a long road we thank God for this gift, Our gift!  I can't wait to do this with you, the man I love.  Signed, a mommy-to-be."  So, I know that Hallmark will not be knocking down my door asking me to write verses for their cards, but it is what came out at a time of absolute bliss and a hurricane of emotions.  We talked about the Italian name Luciano which means light.  I love it and it's shared by Jason's grandfather.   In addition, I just found out that it was also the middle name of my grandfather Pedro Montoya.  We will have lots of time to finalize that detail but it's fun to think about.   Jason has proven to be a great father so that really makes me happy.

The Big News

On Sept. 2, 2010, Jason & I found out that we were pregnant. 
Words cannot express our joy!  After such a long journey we feel blessed by God for this gift.  It truly is something surreal.  On Sept. 2, we told Angelo about his new sibling.  Sept. 3, we told Grandma & Grandpa Montoya.  Sept. 4, our siblings and Grandma & Grandpa Vitello found out.  At this point, the baby is only 6 weeks old!  I was able to see the baby's heartbeat on the monitor in the doctor's office.  So amazing.
Both sets of grandparents said prayers giving thanks to God for our little creation. 
I decided to create this informal blog so that family and close friends can stay updated if they chose to.  While I love Facebook, Jason & I love our privacy.  To those of you who know my personal journey with cancer and treatments, you can imagine our pleasant surprise.  We are praying for a healthy baby and a healthy pregnancy.  Everything looks good right now.  I underwent lots of tests and should be getting the results next week.  I'm having "night sickness", headaches, and feel so tired all the time.  They say this is all normal.