Monday, January 24, 2011

Baby Daze

I feel like I've been on auto pilot for a few days with spurts of energy here and there.  My doctor says it's normal and as I move further into the 3rd Trimester, fatigue will start to set in.  I have decided to stop my overnight shifts of being on-call for child protection as of the end of this month.  It's funny how I used to have no problem staying up all night but now, it's literally torture. 
We had a few highlights recently such as receiving a baby heartbeat monitor from Jennifer & Dave.  It was fun trying to listen to the baby but honestly, we couldn't make it out too well and when we put the monitor on Jason's stomach, it sounded pretty much the same :) 
Angleo has a new room downstairs but there are a few things we want to do to make it his own space.  As for baby's room, well, we need to clean out the closet, paint, and organize.  Lots to do.
School is going well and I'm still able to walk the six blocks there and back.  It's good exercise but I'm constantly scared I'm going to slip and fall on the ice. 
Baby is moving lots especially when I need to sleep.  I never thought pregnancy could be so fascinating.  I'm still in awe that there is a little growing human inside of me.  I feel so much love it's crazy. 
So...meanwhile, trying to get rid of this cough and stuffy nose, tyring to get some much needed rest, and trying to stay positive at all times.  I'm taking Dr. Ortega's advice and scheduling in some "REST" time to my schedule. 

oh, side note:  I'm excited about our community class and policy project.  I love doing work for something I'm passionate about.  We will be focusing on a Latino community here in Denver.  I will be posting some points of our projects as we go along.  This is important to our family blog because we, as a family, have made a commitment to social justice and not just sitting back anymore.  It's been a process that we are going through with others from our communities and we can no longer ignore the injustice and inhumane treatment of others around us.  P.S.  Thanks dad for that great talk we had over breakfast tacos, your encouragement, and understanding where I'm coming from.  Looks like another "journey" for us as a family...

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