Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sharing the News

We are slowly getting the word out.  Our lives have been so crazy busy that our idea of setting up a website has not really happened.  Maybe someday when we get a break.  Courtney Cooper has decided to be the captain of Team Baby Girl.  I will post a pic as soon as i figure out how to get it off my phone.

We have had some interesting name suggestions such as Gurnsey (named after one of our male professors), Xochiquetzal (which is the Aztec or Nahuatl name meaning the goddess of love, beauty, flowers, pleasure, craft, weaving, and young mothers - Suggested by Dr. Ortega who teaches our multicultural class and is a proud member of La Raza), and Batgirl.  I somehow don't think they match our last name...but I'm open to more suggestions.

1 Down...2 More to Go

We are at week 12 and the end of the oh, so, scary trimester one.  We are moving towards public knowledge finally!   Today we had our 12 week doctor's visit and Jason was hoping to find out the sex.  They could not get a good view and it still might be too early to tell.  Jason says he saw something and is convinced it's a boy.  Our next ultrasound is at our 20 week until then, we wait.  We saw the baby swim around in the amniotic fluid and open and close his mouth.  It was super cute!  Everything is right on track and baby & mom are healthy. 

The women at my internship have been great.  Another girl in my office is pregnant and due in January so she has given me lots of great tips.  She gave me a book called, The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy.  Pretty funny/scary stuff. 

I also found out there are a few girls at work who are also pregnant.  It's nice to know that I'm not alone. 

My friends Rebecca Meyers and Melissa Gonzalez could not resist the cuteness of baby stuff.  So the baby has officially received his/her first gifts of a cute duck sleeper, some wipes, first organic baby food and the softest blanket ever (i want it for myself!).  So it begins...

Overall, things have been going well.  My biggest problem has been vomiting and nausea.  Nothing too bad.  Please keep praying for a healthy pregnancy, a healthy baby, and for an easy, natural transition for Angelo. 

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Almost done with Trimester one!

Just a general update: Pregnancy is going well but still experiencing morning (noon & night) sickness.  I have notified the school because of concerns about coverage and that I am due to give birth so close to the final few classes of the year.  My professors who know have been super supportive.  For now, I am working part time, attending my internship for 16 hours a week, and taking 5 graduate classes.  I feel very busy but try to squeeze in a nap here and there.  I am getting ready to spill the beans though I have an idea that more people know that I think...wonder who snitched?  The reason for my secrecy is just because Jason & I wanted to get through the first trimester before making our announcement.  It is said that most miscarriages happen within that time just wanted to feel that we were in the safe zone.  Almost there.  Once we make the official announcement, then we will start to think about buying baby items. 
On another note:  Auntie Jennifer (Jason's sister) will be coming to Denver for work and will be bringing our nephew Tristan for a visit.  Jason's parents will also be visiting for awhile so the help with housework and cooking will be a welcomed treat! 
One more thing:  We have been getting high school recruitment letters in the mail for Angelo.  This is a weird and new thing for us.  Denver Public Schools have a choice program so we need to start looking into high schools for him.  This is a cool idea for competition between schools but definitely a chore for us to do the research.  Wish us luck in the search.

Sea Camp

Angleo just got back from camp in San Diego, California.